Here are some easy ways to reduce calories. If you’ve been wanting to lose weight, body fat or a few of those extra kilos which have somehow just crept up but the idea of tracking each and every meal through an app like My Fitness Pal seems like a timely task that doesn’t interest you, then read this! Firstly, tracking meals is definitely not a necessity for weight loss. Used correctly however it can give an overview of the overall diet and where there could be potential for improvement. Mindless or emotional eating is very common and using a meal tracking app can be beneficial with simple versions like See How You Eat which allows you to take photos of each meal, snack and beverage you consume throughout the day and will allow you and I to see which area of your diet may not be serving you to reach your goals. If you just can’t be bothered to or don’t have the time then my top tips to cut calories are simple to follow and can be implemented starting today.
Easy protein.
This means good quality protein sources only. Protein fills you up, you’ll feel fuller for longer and including it in every meal will reduce your desire to reach for unnecessary snacks. Ideal protein options such as my favourite protein powder available in the studio added to a smoothie or a scoop into Chia puddings or oats will give you an extra boost of quality protein in the morning. Including where possible organic eggs, meats, fish or plant-based protein options like tofu and tempeh can elevate your meal and fill you up.
Vegetables and fibre.
If you missed the memo about the importance of vegetables and their benefits then you better listen up! Not only do vegetables bulk up a meal without adding a lot of extra calories but they provide nutrients, vitamins and minerals you won’t find anywhere else – supplements are not the same. Think of your meal dissected on a play – half the plate should be vegetables, a quarter of protein and a quarter of complex carbohydrates.
Be careful of snacks.
There is definitely a place for snacks! Snacking trumps starvation so eat if you’re truly hungry. My nutrition guide explains more about true hunger, habit and emotional hunger so understand that first. Having a few snacks on hand which are nutritionally dense is an excellent way to keep hunger at bay and reduce the desire to mindlessly graze. Make sure your snacks are from my nutrition guide and are snack size (meaning small).
Be organised with meal prep.
I’m really not a fan of eating out often, especially when trying to drop a few kilos. Although there are some healthier options while dining out portions are often larger than you would make at home, have extra sauces (meaning more calories) and are cooked in vegetable oils which are cheaper or reused over and over which do nothing for your gut health. A restaurant’s job is to make you want to come back, not provide you with calorie-specific, healthy meals. Planning meals ahead of time will make sure you stay on track and give you more time throughout the week to focus on other things without going off track.
Eat your calories instead of drinking them.
One standard coffee/beer/wine or soft drink can contain between 120-150 calories each, not to mention most are high in sugar as well. Be aware of the amounts you’re consuming and the frequency. 4-5 alcohol-free days and switching up your latte to a black coffee will significantly reduce your calorie consumption each day.
Want to learn more about how to live a life without dieting? Book a free trial session with us today!